Heritage Champions Handbook

The network of Heritage Champions was set up in 2004 in order to champion the interests of the historic environment within local authorities. Heritage Champions are normally local councillors who have been nominated by their authority to carry out the role. This handbook is a guide for all Heritage Champions. It provides information on what they can do in their role, how they can do it, and outlines contacts and sources of information.

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  1. Introduction
  2. The Heritage Champion Role
  3. Making the case for the historic environment
  4. Areas of Action
    a) Developing local authority services and influencing strategies
    b) Heritage-led regeneration
    c) Encouraging high quality new developments
    d) Local Heritage Listing
    e) Streetscapes: Maintaining character of place
    f) Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act and heritage
    g) Ensuring effective management of local authority assets: Management and Conservation Plans
    h) Ensuring effective disposal of local authority assets
    i) Historic Environment Records
    j) Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans
    k) Heritage at Risk
    l) Heritage crime
    m) Involving the community
    n) Places of Worship
    o) Heritage Action Zones
  5. Sources of support and information for Champions

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed


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