Historic England Preview
Coming up! Read about some of the exciting projects Historic England will be doing in 2015.
The Staffordshire Hoard
Historic England is the main funder of an archaeological investigation that will enable us and our partners to piece together the Staffordshire Hoard, understand its historic and cultural context and explain it.
Enriching the List
In autumn 2015, for the first time, members of the public will be able to upload their own information to the list of listed buildings and other designated sites - the National Heritage List for England.
First World War
We are on track with our ambitious scheme to list 2,500 war memorials during the centenary years. Working with partners Civic Voice and War Memorials Trust, we will be supported by volunteers to reach our target.
England's Places
This summer we will open up our Architectural Red Boxes and provide access online to more than 620,000 historic photographs of places all over England.
Heritage Action Zones
We will launch Heritage Action Zones across England, in areas that urgently need economic growth. We will work with local partners to establish the zones, and unlock the potential of the local historic environment to contribute to growth.
Heritage at Risk
Grade II buildings make up 92% of all listed buildings in England but with the exception of those in London, they are not included in the Heritage At Risk Register.
Starting this summer hundreds of volunteers will take to the streets to examine the condition of their local Grade II buildings.
Around England
Our national £11.5m repair grant programme will support the rescue of major buildings on the Heritage at Risk register, for example, the Wedgwood Museum, Stoke-on-Trent (in partnership with the Prince's Regeneration Trust), the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, and St Luke's in Liverpool known locally as "the bombed out church" and derelict since the Second World War. We'll also be giving grants to Temple Mill, an extraordinary Egyptian style textile mill in Leeds, and Wolfeton Riding House, Dorset, one of the oldest in England, dating from the late 16th century.
Constructive Conservation
We'll be helping the regeneration of Murray's Mill in Ancoats, Manchester, one of the earliest industrial places in England, and working on proposals for a hydro-electric installation on the River Aire at Salts Weir in Saltaire, the mill and model village near Bradford.