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Indicator Data
Each year, Heritage Counts collates datasets about a range of indicators that provide useful insights into the state of the historic environment. In most cases, these indicators have been collected since 2002.
The evidence collected here is used by historic environment professionals to understand changes in the historic environment, develop policies to protect it, and demonstrate its importance.
Designated Assets, Protected Areas and the Built Environment
Trends in the physical assets that make up our historic environment (natural and built).
Employment, Volunteering, Education and Training
Statistics on employment by local authorities in planning and conservation, heritage attractions, as well as local authorities’ expenditure on heritage.
Funding and Resources
Datasets that track the funding provided to the sector by a selection of national funders and voluntary organisations.
Datasets about initiatives that protect the historic environment through the management of World Heritage Sites, the Heritage Champions initiative, and historic data about the development of Building Preservation Trusts.
Heritage at Risk
Datasets about additions to and removals from the register, broken down by asset type.
Participation, Visits and Membership
Key indicators of the public’s engagement with the historic environment.
Planning Statistics
Key local and regional statistics about the performance of the planning system, including time-series figures for listed building consents, consents affecting registered parks and gardens, and scheduled monument consents.
Recording the Historic Environment
Statistics about important national projects that aim to enhance our understanding of the historic environment.